
5-Minute Mystery – A Real-Time, Co-op, Mystery Game!

Created by Wiggles 3D

The MacGuffin is missing! You only have 5 minutes to search for clues, find the culprit and crack the case!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

BackerKit Survey Deadline is Friday
about 5 years ago – Thu, Jan 09, 2020 at 01:46:59 AM

Hello backers!

Thanks to all of you who have already completed your surveys. For those of you who haven’t, please take a moment to do so before this Friday, January 10 at noon, Eastern Time. We need to finalize our order for the factory to ensure that we can keep our fulfillment schedule!

What happens on Friday?

  •  We’ll be locking surveys. Once surveys are locked, backers can no longer change the items added to their pledges.
  •  We’ll be charging backers for any funds still owing. This will only apply to backers who added items to their orders or whose payments didn’t go through on Kickstarter.
  •  However, the Late Pledge store will remain open. If you know anyone who still wants to grab a copy of the game or one of our add-ons, send them here:

What if I never got my survey?

No problem! You can always go to and enter the e-mail address linked to your Kickstarter account to access your survey.

What if I miss the deadline?

Your survey will remain open until you complete it, but we can’t guarantee availability of upgrades and add-ons for backers who complete their surveys too late. So please take a moment and complete your survey as soon as you can!

What if I need to change my address later?

Don’t worry... even after your survey is locked down, you’ll still be able to access it to change your address. Once we get closer to our ship date, we’ll send out another update to let you know that we’re about to finalize addresses.

I’m a Late Pledge Backer. Do I still need to complete a survey?

If you missed the Kickstarter and placed an order on the Late Pledge Store, you’ve already provided all the information we need... no need to complete a survey. We will process your payment and lock down your order on Friday at noon.

I need help completing my survey!

No problem! Just send us a Kickstarter message or email us at [email protected].

Thanks for all your support!

BackerKit Surveys Coming Today!
about 5 years ago – Sat, Jan 04, 2020 at 12:59:09 AM

Happy New Year!

With the holidays behind us, it’s time to get cracking at making some 5-Minute Mystery games to send you! The first step is to send out BackerKit surveys that will tell us how many games we need to make, and where we’ll need to send them.

We will be sending you an email with a link to your BackerKit survey later today. Please follow that link and complete your survey by next Friday, January 10. We’re eager to get the factory started on production so we can get your games to you.

As part of the survey, you’ll be:

  • providing your address and phone number for shipping purposes (NOTE: you can change this information later if you need to)
  • adding more copies of 5-Minute Mystery or our featured add-ons (the 5-Minute Dungeon Expansion or the 5-Minute Dungeon Big Box)
  • entering payment information, but only if your Kickstarter payment didn’t go through, or if you chose upgrades or add-ons that cost more than your original pledge amount
  • accepting the free upgrade to the Mastermind Edition, if you are a previous backer who backed at the Standard Edition (or Standard Edition Early Bird) level

If you have any questions about the process, please send us a Kickstarter message or an e-mail to [email protected].

Thank you for your help in completing these surveys quickly!

The End Of the Campaign... But The Adventure Is Far From Over
about 5 years ago – Fri, Dec 20, 2019 at 12:06:29 AM

We said it the first day and we’ll say it again...WOW.

C$520,398 and 10,174 backers. We are so incredibly appreciative of each and every single one of you. Thank you for supporting this game, and the Wiggles 3D family.

What’s Next?

We’re going to take a much-needed rest for the holidays! When we return in the new year, we’ll send out an update letting you know when to expect your BackerKit survey by e-mail. These surveys are important and will allow you to:

  • Provide your address so that we can ship you the game!
  • Upgrade your pledge level if you backed the Standard and realize now that you absolutely want to take on the ultra-challenging Mastermind cases, have even more replayability, challenge yourself with the exclusive red-herring clues, get more of everything, and play the game with more people.
  • Add more copies of 5-Minute Mystery or grab one of our add-on offers: The Curses! Foiled Again! Big Box, or the Curses Expansion!

If You’re A Previous Backer

If you’re a previous backer (meaning you backed 5-Minute Dungeon or Curses! Foiled Again! On Kickstarter) then we’re offering you a free upgrade to the Mastermind Edition of the game! When you get your BackerKit survey in the new year, there will be a question asking if you would like to upgrade to the Mastermind Edition for free. That’s it. It’s that easy.

Note: the upgrade is optional. You can always choose not to upgrade if you really do not want all the additional goodies of the Mastermind Edition.

If You Added Extra Money To Your Pledge

Some of you wanted to get both the Mastermind and the Standard editions of the game, but there wasn’t a pledge level for that. You might have pledged more money than a reward level indicated. If you did this, then when you get your BackerKit survey, the money you added will appear as a credit. You can use that credit to add the games you wanted.

If You Backed Through “Pledge Without A Reward”

If we directed you to back through the “Pledge without a Reward” option because of the Early Bird/Kickstarter crashing madness, you don’t need to worry, we’ll fix your pledge level internally before you get your surveys.

If you pledged a dollar to keep an eye on the campaign, receive updates, and give yourself time to consider your options and now want to back the game, doing so is easy. When the campaign ends, you’ll get your survey from BackerKit. In that survey, there will be an option to change your pledge level. This is what it will look like:

If you know someone who missed the Kickstarter but wants the game

We’ll have a Pre-Order store up throughout the holidays. Send them here, where they’ll be able to make a last-minute pledge their own copy of the game.

While this is the end of the Kickstarter campaign, the adventure is far from over! We’ll be providing you updates about production, shipping, the timer app, and translated instruction files throughout the process. We’ll also be sharing the finished artwork for all the great characters and scenes you voted on, as soon as we have them!

Thank you so much for being part of the Wiggles 3D family, participating in the polls, and contributing to the community. We can’t wait for you to get your games and experience 5-Minute Mystery!

Only 24 Hours Left!!! (And a Special Offer)
about 5 years ago – Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 11:33:18 PM

We are on the home stretch! Less than 24 hours left of the campaign. We have the results of our final poll, but first, we have some exciting news!

We've heard a lot of requests during the campaign from people who were hoping to add 5-Minute Dungeon and/or the expansion to their pledges. We're happy to announce that we've found a way to make that happen! We’re going to be offering both the expansion pack and the big box as add-on items in your survey after the campaign. Keep an eye out for your survey in the new year, we'll update when we're about to send them out. Just like all our other add-ons, shipping is only an extra $5/game and would ship alongside your copy of 5-Minute Mystery.

You can learn more about the Curses! Foiled Again! expansion here.

The Owl and the Chameleon….

The investigation has concluded! Your Sherlock-esque intuition has decided that the Owl should be a culprit in the game! We have to agree. He does seem the sort to steal a MacGuffin. Just look at that face.

There were a ton of great name suggestions. We particularly loved Captain Who and Hoot Vandenbeak. But ultimately, this sneaky owl will be named…pause for the drumroll… 

 Congrats to Greg Beliveau for the name suggestion!

Tomorrow is the final day! This has been an incredible campaign, thank you so much for all of your support, contributions and wonderful ideas.

The Owl and The Chameleon
about 5 years ago – Mon, Dec 16, 2019 at 11:10:04 PM

Oh thank goodness, detectives! We need your help! It turns out that there are two crafty creatures that could possibly be culprits! While they both look highly suspect, we trust your gut to know which one might steal the MacGuffin.

Take a look at the two sketches designed by Cam Kendall and tell us which character should become a culprit in the game. Whichever one gets the most votes will be finished, colored, and added to the world we’ve crafted for 5-Minute Mystery.

So, who will it be? The owl or the chameleon?

Click the link and cast your vote!

Comment down below with what you think their names should be!

We’ll reveal the poll results and which name we liked best in an upcoming update!