5-Minute Mystery – A Real-Time, Co-op, Mystery Game!
Created by Wiggles 3D
The MacGuffin is missing! You only have 5 minutes to search for clues, find the culprit and crack the case!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
The Final Countdown With One Week Left
about 5 years ago
– Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 11:26:42 PM
Scene Poll Results
Your votes were counted and we have a winner, by only 24 votes!! The Museum Of Everything is under construction and an Aquarium is being added. Once the walls are finalized and the paint is applied, this room will be added to the game and ready to be vandalized by the culprit.
Cracking the Case
Case files are one of the key elements to the game that makes every time you play just as exciting and challenging as the last. Take a look:
How they work: Before you begin each round, you’ll need to pick a case file. The case file is going to shape the rules of that round. Read through the case file before starting. You won’t be catching a culprit every time you’re called to the Museum of Everything, but you’ll always be racing against the clock.
Difficulty: Case files will come in three levels of difficulty (four if you have the Mastermind Edition) so that you can shape your own adventure. If you’re playing with kids or are new to the game, you’re a novice detective and will want to select from the easy case files. As you get more familiar with the game and become a seasoned sleuth, you’ll want a new challenge. Every time you play you can select what case files you want to take on and the levels of difficulty you think you can handle. Or, if you’re feeling particularly adventurous, select randomly!
Your detective eye might have caught on to the fact that the case file looks different from the ones that reviewers had and were on the front Kickstarter page. We’ve finalized and improved the design!
From Detective to Mastermind
Grabbing our magnifying glass, let’s check out the details of what is in the Mastermind Edition.
Support for additional players: This is the kind of game you’re going to want to share with your friends. The Mastermind Edition takes the game from a maximum 4-player game to a 6-player game, ensuring that when adding two extra people, the game stays just as demanding and entertaining as it’s meant to be.
More of everything: We created this to be played over and over again. Every time you take 5-Minute Mystery off the shelf will feel just as fun and challenging as the last time. The Mastermind edition gives you more Suspects, Culprits, Clues, Scenes, and Cases to take that replayability even further.
Pesky Red-Herrings: Every good detective knows that when you’re following clues, there are always ones that lead you nowhere. Our red-herring clues are exclusive to the Mastermind Edition and are a vexing element aimed to challenge you more, and keep the game as exciting and intense as possible. If you grab a red-herring clue, you’re no closer to finding the culprit, but you HAVE wasted some valuable time. Better step it up!
Ultra-challenging cases: Think you’re basically the Sherlock Holmes of 5-Minute Mystery? If you’ve managed to play the game enough to feel like you can conquer the Hard cases most of the time, then we challenge you to take on the Mastermind cases. Created to be ultra-challenging, these cases are not for the faint of heart. Your limits will be tested, and if you win, full bragging rights will be yours.
Do you think you’ll have what it takes to take on the Mastermind cases? Are you ready to put your detective skills to the test? We can’t wait to see you take on the #5MinuteMysteryGame challenge and post your #MysteryMastermind pictures all over social media, bragging to the world about completing a Mastermind case!
Check back next week for another poll where your votes will shape the contents of the game!
Poll: Decide The Locations Lurking In The Museum of Everything
about 5 years ago
– Mon, Dec 09, 2019 at 10:29:12 PM
The Suspects Have Been Chosen!
You voted from our top 5 favorite suspect characters that were created by you, the community. The results are in, and we have winners.
But first, a few of you thought you’d challenge us to see if we could detect the duplicate votes that were skewing the results. It took a little investigating, but we were able to deduce the duplicate votes. So rest assured that the winners are real and that we have not been hoodwinked.
The winners of the poll are….
Congratulations to Roman Osburg, Gavin Edwards and Jean Nory who submitted these suspect ideas. We can’t wait to see how Cam Kendell transforms Bruce the Bat and Lovecraft the Octopus into the charming characters in our game!
New Poll: The Locations Lurking In The Museum of Everything
Those of you who have played 5-Minute Dungeon, its expansion, or 5-Minute Marvel might remember the amazing artwork from Alex Diochon. Well…..he’s baaaaaaaaaack! With so much mutual admiration, it only felt right to have Alex be part of this 5-Minute game in some way. He agreed, and so we’re excited to announce that Alex will be creating some of the scene cards for 5-Minute Mystery! Check him out!
Speaking of scene cards, we want you to help us shape what’s inside the Museum of Everything! Take a look at these two rooms that could be locations inside the museum. What one would you want to be turned into a scene card? Click the poll link and cast your vote:
We’ll announce the winning scene in a future update!
With a name like the Museum of Everything, the sky’s the limit for what could possibly be a room inside it! What room(s) do you think you’d find in The Museum of Everything?
Anteater Results & BGG Contest!
about 5 years ago
– Sat, Dec 07, 2019 at 12:01:52 AM
The Poll Results Are In!!
You’ve dunnit! Your votes for the Select A Suspect Poll have been tallied and we have a winner! The shifty individual that will be skulking around the Museum of Everything is...
You submitted a lot of great names! We’re going with Archibald! We can’t wait for you to see Archibald the Anteater finished, colored, and in the game.
Contest Alert!
We have a contest happening over on BoardGameGeek starting today! We’re giving away 5 copies of the Mastermind Edition of the game. Head over there and enter for your chance to win. Spread the word and let your friends know! If you’ve already backed the game, extra copies make GREAT gifts!
Your Suspect Ideas Were Good….Almost TOO Good...
about 5 years ago
– Fri, Dec 06, 2019 at 01:35:38 AM
So...remember that contest? The one where the winner will get to be part of the game by choosing the animal and name of a suspect/culprit? Yeah, that one! Well, WE HAVE A WINNER!
The winner is Andrew Bassel! Their suspect is going to be Penelope the Porcupine. Sketches to come, so stay tuned!
Picking Two More Suspects
We have to say, we had a lot of fun looking at your submissions. There were a TON of great ideas out there. And so we thought to ourselves, why use just one? We’ve selected 5 of our favorite entries and now, we’re putting it to YOU to vote which two become suspects in the game. Who do you want to see in your hand of suspects when you’re playing 5-Minute Mystery?
The five candidates are:
Armando the Pangolin– Submitted by Mario Guzman
Bruce the Bat– Submitted by Roman Osburg & Gavin Edwards
Henrietta the Chicken – Submitted by Justin Glover
Jimmy "The Nose" the Proboscis Monkey– Submitted by Toby Pokorney
The top two cards with the most votes will be turned into suspects in the game, just like Patty here!
Anteater Poll Results
Tune in tomorrow for the results of the Anteater poll!
Follow Your Hunch And Select a Suspect
about 5 years ago
– Mon, Dec 02, 2019 at 10:10:45 PM
We want your input! We’re certain that you have a keen eye for deducing which adorable and seemingly innocent creatures are actually shifty individuals that should be considered suspects.
Check out these two suspicious anteaters below. Enter the poll to select which one you want to see in the game and comment below to let us know what you would name him!
Have you been wondering about how scene cards work?
Well if your sneaky plan has been to memorize the symbol’s location on each scene card and look like a super sleuth in front of your friends, then think again! We wanted each time you played 5-Minute Mystery to be just as challenging as the last, so we have a few tricks up our sleeves.
There are multiple scene cards for each location in the Museum of Everything. Every one of them hides completely different symbols than the next. Plus, each of those scene cards will have the symbols hidden in unique, varied spots on the card.
With 25 different symbols in the game, 3125 possible symbol combinations for each scene card, and plenty of playtesting under our belts, we’re happy to say that this game has a high degree of replayability and will be coming down from the shelf on game night for years to come.
And, don’t forget, with the clock ticking away and time running out, you’ll only have a few precious seconds to scan each scene card and relay the symbols you spot. There’s no loitering in the Museum of Everything!
Another major component that adds to the intrigue and variety are case files, which we will cover in depth in a future update.
Have we mentioned Cam Kendell? He’s the talented artist behind the game. Those adorable characters that are able to simultaneously be both innocent-looking and also just the kind of crafty criminal you’d expect to break into a museum and deface each room with strange symbols are all his handiwork. Check him out!